Security experts: malicious virus started to target the network infrastructure equipment
Compared to the situation ten years ago, today's Internet users, such as Do not click on unfamiliar links, Do not open e-mail attachment, do not make random strangers on Facebook and so on so-called security measures have been considered quite familiar. However, just to educate Internet users so that they can do these fluff on the Internet become more secure? This regard, the security company Whitehat CTO Jeremiah Grossman said that different views, in his view, in the maintenance of desktop security, campaign, people have been defeated. He believes that in today's large-scale high-profit enterprises, almost all of the security policy for each of the company regarded as a possible risk birthplace of the computer, he said "appears to abandon the party just in desktop security win the battle of faith. "In Grossman seems to give up feeling that the root cause and not just PC-related vulnerabilities in the security status of prevention, and malicious virus recently has a new target." Botnets are starting to cats and routers for broadband equipment aimed attack. Think about how horrible the attack. If such large-scale attacks began to start, even if we replace the virus infected PC, and replace iPad them less vulnerable to attacks such compilation of portable devices, but because of the underlying network has been lawless elements control These measures would be futile. In contrast, for the security of routers and broadband cats rarely have introduced preventive measures, which would give the security of desktop systems has brought new challenges. "
BitDefender: Nail Magic Song Shin Mukaiya virus Chrome
With the Chrome browser, the user gradually increase the amount of computer criminals have black hands toward the Chrome browser users, Chrome opportunistic spread viruses and steal user information, Google Chrome browser plug-in could be hiding viruses. BitDefender anti-virus product makers that this virus is through a plug-in commercial e-mail discovered this threat. E-mail said: "You want to better organize your incoming e-mail document?" Message given link directly leading to a false Google Chrome browser plug-ins page. In fact, the page does not Chrome plug-in (suffix name. Crx), Chrome users can only download to the suffix name. Exe Trojan horse virus. Trojan modifies the Windows HOSTS file to prevent users from Yahoo and Google login page. Chrome infected user will be redirected to fake Web sites similar. BitDefender has already identified the Trojan as Trojan.Agent.20577. In addition, the last Thursday of a worm spreading in the Yahoo Messenger on a large number, many users believe that they download the photos from friends, but in fact this is a malicious software, It will automatically install the Windows system, and Yahoo Messenger through the infected user's friends automatic transmission.

Yahoo Messenger worm seems to send a picture from a friend sent a link to the spread of the worm is sent through an automated message, the message content contains the "image", "photo" Such words and a smiley face icon, the link is and a Facebook or MySpace this link to a similar photo sharing websites. If users are using Apple's system, then click on the link, the worm will not automatically run, click on will be canceled. However, if users are using Windows, then after the user clicks on the link to download an executable file, and run automatically, the user's computer will be infected with malicious information sources, and automatically to Yahoo Messenger contacts in the spread. "Once run, the worm will copy itself to the '% WinDir% infocard.exe', and will add to its own Windows Firewall filter white list. It will modify the registry, and stop the Windows Automatic Updates service.

If you see this message, please do not click on "Run (Run)" BitDefender was the first discovered the virus last week. The virus is named Worm.P2P.Palevo.DP. BitDefender anti-virus laboratory according to the latest monitoring data, Palevo has produced a new variant, the latest variant will be a large number of automatically sending a lot of the spam to other Yahoo users. When the user receives a message, if not careful to click with the smiley face, the face will link the user to a picture gallery on the site, to lure users to click on view image, the user would have got up after clicking. In fact, not open pictures, appears to be JPG format, in fact it is a virus - Worm.P2P.Palevo.DP. When the virus is activated, the virus will be in C: Windows folder, create multiple hidden files, such as mds.sys, mdt.sys, winbrd.jpg and infocard.exe, and the key will be to modify the system registry key to undermine the security of the operating system line of defense. As with other similar, Palevo.DP with backdoor that allows unauthorized remote attacker to obtain complete control of a computer, and then do whatever they want. Such as installing malicious software, modify system account passwords stolen information, and even turned into a "zombie" computers controlled the virus completely. Palevo variants can also penetrate into Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer browser to steal account information, online banking or online shopping services, users face great danger. Palevo variants within the network will be infected through the LAN to other computers infected removable disk, etc., and then spread to the wider network. Similar Conflicker worm, Palevo worm also uses a P2P network communication, for example, Ares, BearShare, iMesh, Shareza, Kazaa, DC + +, eMule, and LimeWire, and many other P2P networks. The virus will automatically add the code to the shared document, when the remote P2P client to download the document to be infected after, Palevo worm infected more than one computer will. BitDefender Senior Fellow Catalin Cosoi said, "We recommend that users maintain a high degree of caution. Check the website prior to the sender, do not click on any instant messaging software client links sent by unknown sources. "" Palevo highly aggressive attack. The initial outbreak, we have witnessed Palevo infection rate, it can easily Romania, Mongolia, Indonesia and other countries, or over 500% growth per hour spread. "At present, countries with the highest infection rates were: Romania, Mongolia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, France, the United States, Kuwait.

Yahoo Messenger worm seems to send a picture from a friend sent a link to the spread of the worm is sent through an automated message, the message content contains the "image", "photo" Such words and a smiley face icon, the link is and a Facebook or MySpace this link to a similar photo sharing websites. If users are using Apple's system, then click on the link, the worm will not automatically run, click on will be canceled. However, if users are using Windows, then after the user clicks on the link to download an executable file, and run automatically, the user's computer will be infected with malicious information sources, and automatically to Yahoo Messenger contacts in the spread. "Once run, the worm will copy itself to the '% WinDir% infocard.exe', and will add to its own Windows Firewall filter white list. It will modify the registry, and stop the Windows Automatic Updates service.

If you see this message, please do not click on "Run (Run)" BitDefender was the first discovered the virus last week. The virus is named Worm.P2P.Palevo.DP. BitDefender anti-virus laboratory according to the latest monitoring data, Palevo has produced a new variant, the latest variant will be a large number of automatically sending a lot of the spam to other Yahoo users. When the user receives a message, if not careful to click with the smiley face, the face will link the user to a picture gallery on the site, to lure users to click on view image, the user would have got up after clicking. In fact, not open pictures, appears to be JPG format, in fact it is a virus - Worm.P2P.Palevo.DP. When the virus is activated, the virus will be in C: Windows folder, create multiple hidden files, such as mds.sys, mdt.sys, winbrd.jpg and infocard.exe, and the key will be to modify the system registry key to undermine the security of the operating system line of defense. As with other similar, Palevo.DP with backdoor that allows unauthorized remote attacker to obtain complete control of a computer, and then do whatever they want. Such as installing malicious software, modify system account passwords stolen information, and even turned into a "zombie" computers controlled the virus completely. Palevo variants can also penetrate into Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer browser to steal account information, online banking or online shopping services, users face great danger. Palevo variants within the network will be infected through the LAN to other computers infected removable disk, etc., and then spread to the wider network. Similar Conflicker worm, Palevo worm also uses a P2P network communication, for example, Ares, BearShare, iMesh, Shareza, Kazaa, DC + +, eMule, and LimeWire, and many other P2P networks. The virus will automatically add the code to the shared document, when the remote P2P client to download the document to be infected after, Palevo worm infected more than one computer will. BitDefender Senior Fellow Catalin Cosoi said, "We recommend that users maintain a high degree of caution. Check the website prior to the sender, do not click on any instant messaging software client links sent by unknown sources. "" Palevo highly aggressive attack. The initial outbreak, we have witnessed Palevo infection rate, it can easily Romania, Mongolia, Indonesia and other countries, or over 500% growth per hour spread. "At present, countries with the highest infection rates were: Romania, Mongolia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, France, the United States, Kuwait.
"AV Terminator" re-appeared nearly a thousand variants of porn sites
Kingsoft Internet Security Lab May 13-to-date virus warning, and was named the top ten viruses in 2008, one of AV and then a new Terminator virus variants - "AV Terminator 2010." Compared with before, "AV Terminator 2010" ghost using a similar technique to break through the security virus protection software, while downloading a few popular games Daohao 20 Trojan, while the desktop shortcut appears Taobao, Home is also virus locks, regular users is almost impossible to remove.
Li Tiejun Kingsoft Anti-virus experts said the recent killing nets intercepted, ghosting, and other new viruses, without exception, are the first from pornographic websites. "Deep pockets", flow stability, and full of temptations of porn sites have become the platform for a new type of virus release. According to statistical data security lab Duba, Recently a new virus appears, almost 80% were from pornographic websites. <Br> Li Tiejun said the new bad virus "AV Terminator 2010" from a porn site, it will lure users to download a file called "I Miss the whole process of open house av. Exe" file, Once innocent users double-click the file, the mainstream computer can not install antivirus software will run, and kill all the previous post can not be installed, an operation was directly removed. <Br> of the victims of the virus infection process, Duba anti-virus expert Li Tiejun said that when the user clicks on the video playback time, Web site will pop up a page prompts you to "install Qvodplayer player", click on download later you will get a name very tempting av. Exe files, when users click on the file of this very tempting, when the virus is automatically user computers.
According to AV Terminator Recently virus virus characteristics and the trend, Jinshan security lab proposal to develop good majority of Internet users surfing habits, to avoid the log number of bad sites, and open the file to download Kingsoft Internet Security 2010 defense function monitoring and cloud. To have been infected with "AV 2010 Terminator," the user can use Kingsoft Internet Security 2010 Zhuanshagongju av Terminator, killing and follow the prompts to restart the system processing.
Li Tiejun Kingsoft Anti-virus experts said the recent killing nets intercepted, ghosting, and other new viruses, without exception, are the first from pornographic websites. "Deep pockets", flow stability, and full of temptations of porn sites have become the platform for a new type of virus release. According to statistical data security lab Duba, Recently a new virus appears, almost 80% were from pornographic websites. <Br> Li Tiejun said the new bad virus "AV Terminator 2010" from a porn site, it will lure users to download a file called "I Miss the whole process of open house av. Exe" file, Once innocent users double-click the file, the mainstream computer can not install antivirus software will run, and kill all the previous post can not be installed, an operation was directly removed. <Br> of the victims of the virus infection process, Duba anti-virus expert Li Tiejun said that when the user clicks on the video playback time, Web site will pop up a page prompts you to "install Qvodplayer player", click on download later you will get a name very tempting av. Exe files, when users click on the file of this very tempting, when the virus is automatically user computers.
According to AV Terminator Recently virus virus characteristics and the trend, Jinshan security lab proposal to develop good majority of Internet users surfing habits, to avoid the log number of bad sites, and open the file to download Kingsoft Internet Security 2010 defense function monitoring and cloud. To have been infected with "AV 2010 Terminator," the user can use Kingsoft Internet Security 2010 Zhuanshagongju av Terminator, killing and follow the prompts to restart the system processing.
Ten Mistakes of free antivirus software
Kaspersky on May 11 in Beijing released can be installed on three computers on the team full-featured version of security products, the introduction of the team version of the standard price of 498 yuan boxed version. Kaspersky side said that the future will be more flexible for users to marketing.
As Kaspersky Partner, Digital Star CEO Liu Jianhua hope that opinion leaders in all walks of life can be the first to use the "Team Edition." Conference, Kaspersky side also put forward the "boss are using Kaspersky" slogan.
For the controversial topic of the free antivirus software, Liu Jianhua point out that the existence of free software users in the top ten errors in the so-called "free antivirus software to the user to save 10 billion," saying simply, "eyes closed nonsense." Liu Jianhua that is not what people can do anti-virus software, free software has captured the eye to kill, but it does not mean the best choice for users, free does not mean that innovation does not mean free to kill soft kill a powerful and professional Soft.
Liu Jianhua that free soft kill soft kill for the professional and not much impact, but not all professional antivirus software free of charge, and free soft kill soft kill for the professional view is unable to survive errors.
Following is a briefing, Liu Jianhua point out that the existence of the security software market Ten Mistakes of the following is his view:
Misunderstanding 1: The anti-virus software, many people think that free anti-virus is more important than the can.
Anti-virus software is not in charge or the most critical free, but it is not anti-virus. A lot of free antivirus software is almost no anti-virus, which has become a common sense. Free word is indeed a more eyeballs, attract enough attention. But can not be free to attract customers when. We can not forget the industry's fundamental: first, to be able to antivirus software antivirus.
Misunderstanding 2: Is it really permanent free antivirus software.
"Permanent free" in terms of logical sense. When you have free time to do a permanent, there are several assumptions: The first assumption is that a permanent presence for your business, in fact, the average age of Chinese Internet companies are not more than 10 years, many companies not in the 1 ½ years. Therefore, the concept of free anti-virus itself has no logical basis.
Where to permanent income for free? If your income is now supported by VC, then a lot of trouble, can not support the VC next month you do not know. "I think there is not really a permanent free anti-virus software, in fact, there is not really a permanent presence in the software, there will not be."
Misunderstanding 3: free antivirus software to save 100 million users.
This misunderstanding greater is the closed eyes lie and why, because you do not know. I can tell you a historical data: in the antivirus industry when business is very good, one year does not add up to more than 10 million, we ignore the present, when business is bad, so that the free antivirus software for Internet users save 100 million have no idea where to start. This is ignoring the industry, saying the status quo. The original so good, one year we also add up to 10 million, so I do not know that another 90 million came from. <Br> I want to say is that free anti-virus software is not a single cent for the user Province, Why? Free anti-virus software has never been a new, anti-virus software market in China overall is a free market, Good time before our legitimate business is no more than 15%, meaning that 85% of people already have been using the free antivirus software <br> called for Internet users to save money is the basic stand. These words who is the most do not believe it is the users themselves, and why? I did not think to save money for their pockets: the first, before I do not spend money Second, it is you say I buy a genuine anti-virus software is now very cheap, Kaspersky version only 200 years.
Mistakes 4: Free anti-virus software is powerful antivirus software, even 比卡巴斯基 also cattle.
Over the past 10 years, free anti-virus software very much. In recent years, there is free antivirus software features:
Generally, it is not the first own engine, because you have to develop the engine to not that simple. This is not by boasting, but need solid technology accumulation; second, because you do not have their own core technology, you can get over things at best is a professional software vendor what the most low-end, basically they do not speak of the core technology .
Misunderstanding 5: Free anti-virus software, anti-virus software no way to make professional life.
Now, I could get still rely on wages or Kabbah, and I have not heard of now Which professional security software maker closed down, said did not sound good: I have a network of stand-alone version are no longer marketable, let alone stand-alone version of my or sell the move, I will rely on stand-alone alive.
Misunderstanding 6: Free anti-virus software to Internet users more secure.
Free anti-virus software to Internet users more dangerous. First, free antivirus software does is to allow many of our regular users, especially new users that had him on it. However, if, free soft kill also insist that you not do it OK, then to the user very unfortunate. This is the Internet is very dangerous. A consensus that the greatest threat to the Internet is not a virus, is a free anti-virus software, in particular the promotion of free advertising. I object to is not you out for free, I object to is that you insist that you secure your safety.
Misunderstanding 7: Free anti-virus software makes all the professional anti-virus software free of charge.
Unless the bank, play games, or advertising, and the antivirus software into a great flow of advertising software, Fouze professional kill soft, particularly in leading the world's professional security software vendors, I personally think that no one would choose free. The reason is simply that technology is a cost, to do a very powerful anti-virus software, as far as I know, Kaspersky has more than 600 R & D personnel, and high income. You have to pay low wages, high-tech talent and ran to the hacker group.
Mistakes 8: Many people think that free anti-virus software is a great innovation.
Free is not innovation. Free to kill those who do often lack the soft core technology, and can not have any real innovation. Those who engage in free, if you do charge a dead man, so it only can do for free to try. "If you said, Free is a great innovation, or perhaps there is no activation code is also innovation, or no engine is innovation, and that this finished." Wan Quan departure from Zhege nature of the industry, I would like to tell you that free anti-virus software have Renhe Bu innovative.
Misunderstanding 9: Free antivirus software users is the best.
On the surface, you do not receive my money is best for me, others do not charge you money received secretly do not know. First you do not accept the money that I could make you into working for me, and the user into a flow, this time the user is given the so-called security software vendors to employees, so usually free to use antivirus software users, because ultimately it is to be profitable. So we tell the users to understand and correct, free antivirus software, a little bad for you, except that the moment you do not pay it (you secretly bundled to induce the installation, install additional profit cheating software).
Misunderstanding 10: What people can do anti-virus software.
This is the biggest misunderstanding. In addition to the high cost of the security industry, the company's responsibility is also important. Security industry with banks, enterprises demanding responsibility. Such as banks, if a bank's CEO in the moral worth mentioning, basically it will be multiplied month deposits fell, security industry more so. So, I think everyone can do this anti-virus software child, only a brief appearance in China.
As Kaspersky Partner, Digital Star CEO Liu Jianhua hope that opinion leaders in all walks of life can be the first to use the "Team Edition." Conference, Kaspersky side also put forward the "boss are using Kaspersky" slogan.
For the controversial topic of the free antivirus software, Liu Jianhua point out that the existence of free software users in the top ten errors in the so-called "free antivirus software to the user to save 10 billion," saying simply, "eyes closed nonsense." Liu Jianhua that is not what people can do anti-virus software, free software has captured the eye to kill, but it does not mean the best choice for users, free does not mean that innovation does not mean free to kill soft kill a powerful and professional Soft.
Liu Jianhua that free soft kill soft kill for the professional and not much impact, but not all professional antivirus software free of charge, and free soft kill soft kill for the professional view is unable to survive errors.
Following is a briefing, Liu Jianhua point out that the existence of the security software market Ten Mistakes of the following is his view:
Misunderstanding 1: The anti-virus software, many people think that free anti-virus is more important than the can.
Anti-virus software is not in charge or the most critical free, but it is not anti-virus. A lot of free antivirus software is almost no anti-virus, which has become a common sense. Free word is indeed a more eyeballs, attract enough attention. But can not be free to attract customers when. We can not forget the industry's fundamental: first, to be able to antivirus software antivirus.
Misunderstanding 2: Is it really permanent free antivirus software.
"Permanent free" in terms of logical sense. When you have free time to do a permanent, there are several assumptions: The first assumption is that a permanent presence for your business, in fact, the average age of Chinese Internet companies are not more than 10 years, many companies not in the 1 ½ years. Therefore, the concept of free anti-virus itself has no logical basis.
Where to permanent income for free? If your income is now supported by VC, then a lot of trouble, can not support the VC next month you do not know. "I think there is not really a permanent free anti-virus software, in fact, there is not really a permanent presence in the software, there will not be."
Misunderstanding 3: free antivirus software to save 100 million users.
This misunderstanding greater is the closed eyes lie and why, because you do not know. I can tell you a historical data: in the antivirus industry when business is very good, one year does not add up to more than 10 million, we ignore the present, when business is bad, so that the free antivirus software for Internet users save 100 million have no idea where to start. This is ignoring the industry, saying the status quo. The original so good, one year we also add up to 10 million, so I do not know that another 90 million came from. <Br> I want to say is that free anti-virus software is not a single cent for the user Province, Why? Free anti-virus software has never been a new, anti-virus software market in China overall is a free market, Good time before our legitimate business is no more than 15%, meaning that 85% of people already have been using the free antivirus software <br> called for Internet users to save money is the basic stand. These words who is the most do not believe it is the users themselves, and why? I did not think to save money for their pockets: the first, before I do not spend money Second, it is you say I buy a genuine anti-virus software is now very cheap, Kaspersky version only 200 years.
Mistakes 4: Free anti-virus software is powerful antivirus software, even 比卡巴斯基 also cattle.
Over the past 10 years, free anti-virus software very much. In recent years, there is free antivirus software features:
Generally, it is not the first own engine, because you have to develop the engine to not that simple. This is not by boasting, but need solid technology accumulation; second, because you do not have their own core technology, you can get over things at best is a professional software vendor what the most low-end, basically they do not speak of the core technology .
Misunderstanding 5: Free anti-virus software, anti-virus software no way to make professional life.
Now, I could get still rely on wages or Kabbah, and I have not heard of now Which professional security software maker closed down, said did not sound good: I have a network of stand-alone version are no longer marketable, let alone stand-alone version of my or sell the move, I will rely on stand-alone alive.
Misunderstanding 6: Free anti-virus software to Internet users more secure.
Free anti-virus software to Internet users more dangerous. First, free antivirus software does is to allow many of our regular users, especially new users that had him on it. However, if, free soft kill also insist that you not do it OK, then to the user very unfortunate. This is the Internet is very dangerous. A consensus that the greatest threat to the Internet is not a virus, is a free anti-virus software, in particular the promotion of free advertising. I object to is not you out for free, I object to is that you insist that you secure your safety.
Misunderstanding 7: Free anti-virus software makes all the professional anti-virus software free of charge.
Unless the bank, play games, or advertising, and the antivirus software into a great flow of advertising software, Fouze professional kill soft, particularly in leading the world's professional security software vendors, I personally think that no one would choose free. The reason is simply that technology is a cost, to do a very powerful anti-virus software, as far as I know, Kaspersky has more than 600 R & D personnel, and high income. You have to pay low wages, high-tech talent and ran to the hacker group.
Mistakes 8: Many people think that free anti-virus software is a great innovation.
Free is not innovation. Free to kill those who do often lack the soft core technology, and can not have any real innovation. Those who engage in free, if you do charge a dead man, so it only can do for free to try. "If you said, Free is a great innovation, or perhaps there is no activation code is also innovation, or no engine is innovation, and that this finished." Wan Quan departure from Zhege nature of the industry, I would like to tell you that free anti-virus software have Renhe Bu innovative.
Misunderstanding 9: Free antivirus software users is the best.
On the surface, you do not receive my money is best for me, others do not charge you money received secretly do not know. First you do not accept the money that I could make you into working for me, and the user into a flow, this time the user is given the so-called security software vendors to employees, so usually free to use antivirus software users, because ultimately it is to be profitable. So we tell the users to understand and correct, free antivirus software, a little bad for you, except that the moment you do not pay it (you secretly bundled to induce the installation, install additional profit cheating software).
Misunderstanding 10: What people can do anti-virus software.
This is the biggest misunderstanding. In addition to the high cost of the security industry, the company's responsibility is also important. Security industry with banks, enterprises demanding responsibility. Such as banks, if a bank's CEO in the moral worth mentioning, basically it will be multiplied month deposits fell, security industry more so. So, I think everyone can do this anti-virus software child, only a brief appearance in China.
Chuan Fu Sheng Rising 5 million investment may push cattle free antivirus software
May 13, sources said the security company Rising has "360" father can be created by Fu Sheng Niu invest 50 million yuan software company, and launched the "free anti-virus software can cow." Both sides declined to comment on the matter at present. It is understood that Zhou Hongyi Fu Sheng as the old unit, also the founder of 360 security guards, after the trade has been rumored to want to reappear Fu. According to reliable sources, the software can beef conference will be held next week, released a new version of software, said "将有大动作." Some analysts said that investment in Fu Sheng Rising "very credible" because Rising free anti-virus software in recent years, the pressure forced the market share decline, so a Rising hope to build their new free security software. On the Rising, the search for an independent software company, cost, lower risk. Department of Fu Sheng Zhou Hongyi while the old unit, and built the 360 security guards, described as "Rising the best choice." Some analysts said the rumor is just "a cover", in fact, investors are not Rising. Fu Sheng had news that security cooperation with Kingsoft. Rising beef with the software can be said in an interview, they declined to make a relevant comment on rumors.
Powerful filtering shield Jinshan Network release 3.5.2
Recently, by the user favorite Jinshan net shield released the latest 3.5.2 version, while continuing to provide various types of Trojan horse virus site Fishing website provides comprehensive fraud protection, and effective identification of all types of malicious URLs to prevent browser hijacking and other core functions, the enhanced network Jinshan ad filtering shield and a key system error repair. And the script and product ease of use for a number of improvements.
Deteriorating security situation in the Internet's current, the user is confronted with many threats online. In this regard, Jinshan Network Shield products, through constant technology updates, through more practical features to protect users of Internet security. Through more innovative features to allow users to better experience the superior protection Jinshan security products. Meanwhile, the new Web Shield "professional anti-virus" module, still provide users with Kingsoft Internet Security 2011 one year free service, user synchronization to enjoy based on "credible cloud security" antivirus software, excellent service.
Kingsoft Anti-virus engineer Li Tiejun introduction, the Jinshan Network Shield 3.5.2 version released, provides the user experience even better online protection. Enhanced repair, and include a collection of ad filtering, but also allows us to shield the process in the online advertising code all tired. Including "Disturb" mode and other details change, but also to see Jinshan net shield continually innovate to provide users with the best online protection products in good faith.
Core functions: advertising Filter Function: Peak Net Shield 3.5.2 version of the new ad filtering, can help you block ads do not like the web page so that you can not bother to read novels, watch the video. Very simple to use, in the feature page, subscription package for its own rules can be realized. The rules package is prepared by the enthusiastic experienced users to share to you after the free, permanent free.
You no longer have to endure ads frequently pop-up pages, whether in fiction website to read novels, watch movies or video site, as long as you have Jinshan net shield, the world will be from clean. <Br> core functions: a key repair <br> Jinshan security lab found Recently a large number of online games for crossing the line of fire and other large Trojan virus, intrusion by way of infected files the user machine, the traditional anti-virus software trojan virus is found, use mechanical methods to delete the virus, a side effect is to remove the normal documents , the customer can not normal game. Jinshan net shield repair specifically for this phenomenon.
New script: Fix dsound.dll (Related topics: http://labs.duba.net/zt/news_article_008.html)
Daohao trojan infection DriX through the relevant documents, in order to achieve the purpose of running their own once the antivirus software to delete the infected file, it will lead to lack of related components, such as popular games and browser software is not up and running. At this point if the user does not download a version of the file manually repair is not very safe, best to use the authority of the security software fixes this problem.
User issued a plug of a DNF, Shortly after that the machine is running point card, antivirus software reported drug, and automatically deleted, I thought okay this killing soft enough N, no longer care, who knows the game and found error while opening , 'not found dsound.dll', the game could not open the.
Important improvements: Added part on the Yahoo search engine to protect the Chinese website.
Improved ease of use:
New full-screen mode to avoid disturbing: the user full-screen video games, watching video cases, completely silent, to ensure users do not bother <br> default browser: Open the main interface in the network link shield using the system default browser opens <br> Mouse dart functions: by a large number of user feedback on the "mouse dart" feature to adjust the appearance of the scene, reducing its users disturb the normal operation, simultaneous detection of more real-time, comprehensive protection <br> Tray: tray right click menu to increase the "Settings" entrance, you can quickly set up on the web shield personalized adjustment
Deteriorating security situation in the Internet's current, the user is confronted with many threats online. In this regard, Jinshan Network Shield products, through constant technology updates, through more practical features to protect users of Internet security. Through more innovative features to allow users to better experience the superior protection Jinshan security products. Meanwhile, the new Web Shield "professional anti-virus" module, still provide users with Kingsoft Internet Security 2011 one year free service, user synchronization to enjoy based on "credible cloud security" antivirus software, excellent service.
Kingsoft Anti-virus engineer Li Tiejun introduction, the Jinshan Network Shield 3.5.2 version released, provides the user experience even better online protection. Enhanced repair, and include a collection of ad filtering, but also allows us to shield the process in the online advertising code all tired. Including "Disturb" mode and other details change, but also to see Jinshan net shield continually innovate to provide users with the best online protection products in good faith.
Core functions: advertising Filter Function: Peak Net Shield 3.5.2 version of the new ad filtering, can help you block ads do not like the web page so that you can not bother to read novels, watch the video. Very simple to use, in the feature page, subscription package for its own rules can be realized. The rules package is prepared by the enthusiastic experienced users to share to you after the free, permanent free.
You no longer have to endure ads frequently pop-up pages, whether in fiction website to read novels, watch movies or video site, as long as you have Jinshan net shield, the world will be from clean. <Br> core functions: a key repair <br> Jinshan security lab found Recently a large number of online games for crossing the line of fire and other large Trojan virus, intrusion by way of infected files the user machine, the traditional anti-virus software trojan virus is found, use mechanical methods to delete the virus, a side effect is to remove the normal documents , the customer can not normal game. Jinshan net shield repair specifically for this phenomenon.
New script: Fix dsound.dll (Related topics: http://labs.duba.net/zt/news_article_008.html)
Daohao trojan infection DriX through the relevant documents, in order to achieve the purpose of running their own once the antivirus software to delete the infected file, it will lead to lack of related components, such as popular games and browser software is not up and running. At this point if the user does not download a version of the file manually repair is not very safe, best to use the authority of the security software fixes this problem.
User issued a plug of a DNF, Shortly after that the machine is running point card, antivirus software reported drug, and automatically deleted, I thought okay this killing soft enough N, no longer care, who knows the game and found error while opening , 'not found dsound.dll', the game could not open the.
Important improvements: Added part on the Yahoo search engine to protect the Chinese website.
Improved ease of use:
New full-screen mode to avoid disturbing: the user full-screen video games, watching video cases, completely silent, to ensure users do not bother <br> default browser: Open the main interface in the network link shield using the system default browser opens <br> Mouse dart functions: by a large number of user feedback on the "mouse dart" feature to adjust the appearance of the scene, reducing its users disturb the normal operation, simultaneous detection of more real-time, comprehensive protection <br> Tray: tray right click menu to increase the "Settings" entrance, you can quickly set up on the web shield personalized adjustment
C version for AntiVir (free version) to monitor the virus "automatic processing"
AntiVir version C version of the most criticized relative P is a place, monitoring can not be processed automatically into the poisoning death of two network cards, upgrading is easy obstacles second drawback for the time being no way, unless the red umbrella, looking to upgrade the server or we can own can not frame a civil money to upgrade servers in China, the first point, Today saw the post, the idea suddenly a little red umbrella prompt window is invoked guardgui. Exe, stop this procedure if the start date? Seems to point vaguely remember the top right corner of this window will be the virus file after the fork Access Deny ... ... then start the Windows Group Policy Editor (gpedit. Msc), expand Computer Configuration → Windows Settings → Security Settings → Software Restriction Policies → other rules, right click on the right, select the new path rule, and then fill guardgui. Exe, security level set to not allow, of course, can also guardgui. Exe the full path to fill in. OK, test, easily find a drug from the sample area under the down. Extract to My Documents directory, nothing, look at the log red umbrella: the virus is automatically Access Deny the ~ purpose achieved by this method, however, then do not even sound the alarm may be red umbrella helped intercept ~ N a virus, you still do not know. Of course requirements "installed on the matter," it does not matter. After screening the guardgui.exe also need to change the automatic processing of scan or scan time ~ red umbrella will not help you clear toxicity. Personal recommendations are set (P version, C version of the words changed to delete the overwrite and delete enough).
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