
Kaspersky key

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Go to the topic, recently there are many people began to ask key installation and use, a common problem is that these people do not like to see tutorials, key equipment is the key not say can not be used on! ! ! The following is a tutorial on the key:

KEY Installation Tutorial: http://www.china-virus.com/Article.Asp?ID=668
KEY can not be used: http://www.china-virus.com/Article.Asp?ID=625
Powered QQ Group Address: http://www.china-virus.com/Article.Asp?ID=80

The following are key documents available in the 7.0 8.0 9.0 version.
Click to download this file (size: 11KB)

Kaspersky was "Annual CEO" to create the legendary anti-virus industry

He is the world's leading anti-virus experts to serve 20 years of diligent field of information security; he led corporate teams are spread across more than 100 countries, dedicated to protecting the world's more than 300 million users of network security, and the worldwide four-rong information security solutions provider of the list; he was awarded the Russian Federation State Science and Technology Award, issued by Chinese Government Chinese National Friendship Award, and many other honors; only is he a respected celebrity, it is a brand, a Xiangzheng a rigorous, security terminology. Yes, he is the Kaspersky Lab founder and CEO - Mr. 尤金卡巴斯基.

Recently, the British magazine "SC" issued "Annual CEO" awards gala was released 尤金卡巴斯基 with its information security field in the achievements of successful titles and captured, and received the unanimous endorsement of the guests on site.

IT security industry as a high-profile event, the 2010 SC Awards Europe that year industry emerged on the outstanding figures, events, and products for recognition. This year's award ceremony at the Wyndham Grand London Lunduichexi Hong Kong Hotel held there on the 100 internationally renowned IT security experts gathered in the scene.

For this award, 尤金卡巴斯基 said: "I am very lucky because I have a good and diligent team, we have in the past period has created excellent results, and today received this honor , I and my team to share. Kaspersky Lab's achievements would continue into today is the hard work of all people, is because we more secure international network of permanent Jianchi space to be able to manage such a good team and I feel honored. "

It is worth mentioning that 尤金卡巴斯基 just a week ago and Merlin, Lord Erroll, Barclays Bank managing director of Information Risk Management Stephen Bonner, PricewaterhouseCoopers Legal Edward Gibson, head of technical services to the common appearance in 2010 European International Computer Information System Security Exhibition Hall of Fame, recently he won the heavyweight awards, so frequent exposure, and its favored field of global information security, is evident.

It is understood that Kaspersky childhood is a "child prodigy", and has very prominent mathematical genius, was only 16 years old to skip the password to enter Russia, Telecommunications and Computer Science student. Since 1989, he in his Cascade virus was detected on the computer, they start to turn on the computer virology research, led the development of the structure and properties of excellent anti-virus software. 1991 to 1997, Kaspersky KAMI Information Technology Centre in leading a group of aides developed "AVP" anti-virus program (in November 2000 was renamed Kaspersky reg; anti-virus software), and in 1997 Kaspersky Lab was officially created a restricted stock company.

We know that in life many people like to collect stamps, antique when Mr. 尤金卡巴斯基 much interest in the collection of samples of malicious code removal tool development, which to some extent, reflects the attitude of his diligent work . It is in this spirit philosophy, after a long period of time, they launched a number of evaluation products in the world and in the event, were all able to shine with outstanding performance. Now, the anti-virus database has become the world's most complete anti-virus database, and Kaspersky Lab has successfully among the four major information security solutions provider list.

Kaspersky Internet Security & Anti-Virus 2010

The most advanced Internet security software with premium protection from viruses, spyware hackers and spam. Also includes comprehensive identity theft and phishing protection, parental and privacy controls, and superfast performance.

General Requirements:
375MB of the free space on the hard drive
CD-ROM drive (for installation via CD)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or higher (to update the anti-virus database and application modules via the Internet)

Features comparison NEW Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 NEW Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010
Core protection
Virus and vulnerability scanner yes yes
Proactive protection against programs based on their behavior Improved! yes yes
Restriction of access to private data by suspicious programs Improved! yes
Application control Improved! yes
Safe run mode (sandbox) to test questionable programs New! yes
Network protection
Two-way personal firewall yes
Secure wireless connections in public areas yes
Email protection
Real-time scanning of email yes yes
Anti-spam, Anti-phishing Improved! yes
Web protection
Virtual keyboard to safely enter sensitive data Improved! yes yes
Removal of Internet activity (history, cookies, etc) New! yes yes
Parental Control

AntiVir Free Version Download

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