
"AV Terminator" re-appeared nearly a thousand variants of porn sites

Kingsoft Internet Security Lab May 13-to-date virus warning, and was named the top ten viruses in 2008, one of AV and then a new Terminator virus variants - "AV Terminator 2010." Compared with before, "AV Terminator 2010" ghost using a similar technique to break through the security virus protection software, while downloading a few popular games Daohao 20 Trojan, while the desktop shortcut appears Taobao, Home is also virus locks, regular users is almost impossible to remove.
Li Tiejun Kingsoft Anti-virus experts said the recent killing nets intercepted, ghosting, and other new viruses, without exception, are the first from pornographic websites. "Deep pockets", flow stability, and full of temptations of porn sites have become the platform for a new type of virus release. According to statistical data security lab Duba, Recently a new virus appears, almost 80% were from pornographic websites. <Br> Li Tiejun said the new bad virus "AV Terminator 2010" from a porn site, it will lure users to download a file called "I Miss the whole process of open house av. Exe" file, Once innocent users double-click the file, the mainstream computer can not install antivirus software will run, and kill all the previous post can not be installed, an operation was directly removed. <Br> of the victims of the virus infection process, Duba anti-virus expert Li Tiejun said that when the user clicks on the video playback time, Web site will pop up a page prompts you to "install Qvodplayer player", click on download later you will get a name very tempting av. Exe files, when users click on the file of this very tempting, when the virus is automatically user computers.
According to AV Terminator Recently virus virus characteristics and the trend, Jinshan security lab proposal to develop good majority of Internet users surfing habits, to avoid the log number of bad sites, and open the file to download Kingsoft Internet Security 2010 defense function monitoring and cloud. To have been infected with "AV 2010 Terminator," the user can use Kingsoft Internet Security 2010 Zhuanshagongju av Terminator, killing and follow the prompts to restart the system processing.

