
Guard against viruses masquerading picture files

Time :2010-5-17 9:06:03 Author: Source: Beijing Times

Rising With the recent interception of a "picture" the spread of hacker back door, because the virus uses very tempting to lure users to click on the name, resulting in a large area infected with the virus.
Concerned about the virus this week: "Picture the back door (Backdoor.Win32.ECode.rp)". The virus is written in easy language hacker back door, the virus will itself disguised as a picture file, confuse the user clicks. User opens the "image", the virus is activated, then the virus will be injected into the IE process, enabling users to computer hackers remote control instructions received.
Prevention: 1. Use the "Rising full-featured security software 2010", effectively preventing the dissemination through the website linked to horse virus; 2. Kaka Internet Security Assistant 6.2 installed automatically fix vulnerabilities; 3. Can call Customer Service Hotline 400-660-8866 consultation, visit http://csc.rising.com.cn for help.

